Capricorn Consult
International Investigations and Security Consulting
Capricorn Consult EOOD is a private investigation service founded in 2004 in Germany by former German law enforcement officers. We provide numerous Professional Security Services. Our main business activities are due diligence and background checks on companies and individuals, identification and prevention of fraud, corruption and violation of company compliance.
At the end of 2016, we decided to move our headquarters to Bulgaria to follow the high demand for better investigation services in East Europe and Russia. We specialize in providing investigation services in Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, North America, South America and Middle America and many other countries. These services include:
- International asset tracing, due diligence & background checks
- Legal collection of evidence or indications to support lawsuits
- World-wide searches for missing or fugitive persons and heirs
- Collection of company documents worldwide
- Financial and personal reputation checks
- Database, internet and press searches
- International surveillance services
- Professional witness interviews
- International process service
- Cyber-crime prevention
Please contact us for any requests or cooperation!
Capricorn Consult EOOD
CEO Thomas Kastner
Ul.”Tsar Simeone I” No. 71
8000 Burgas
Office: +49-(0)6722-203455
Mobile: +49-(0)170-4248000
Skype: capricorn_65
Email: info@capricorn.cc
Email: capricornconsult@email.de
Website: capricorn.cc