While the world struggles to cope with the ravages of the covid-19 pandemic, many leaders are calling out for an objective coronavirus investigation to ascertain how much of the catastrophic damage was preventable. Meanwhile the population of the world is furious that so far, China seems to be getting off without any consequences whatsoever for the murderous atrocities they have caused to come into being.
The hashtag #MakeChinaPay has become the battle cry of activists all over the globe who see the massive collateral injury caused by the CCP’s criminal cover-up of the virus outbreak. While many people are fighting over the origins of the virus (whether or not it originated, was released purposefully or escaped accidentally from a Wuhan laboratory), this is really not a major point of contention in the call for a full investigation of the covid-19 pandemic. One fact remains clear and is indisputable… China’s criminal government knew full well about the epidemic growing and killing for more than 2 months before the CCP released the information to the rest of the world.
Let’s discuss the need for a full, objective investigation into covid-19 and justice must be served if the world has any chance whatsoever of truly recovering.
Coronavirus Investigation Origins of Covid-19
Right from the start, let’s make it incredibly clear that the name covid-19 is part of the cover-up. China literally paid the WHO to create nomenclature for the disease that would not implicate China in its origin. Meanwhile, the rest of the world has happily used the true original name of the contagion: The Wuhan coronavirus. This IS the name and will always be the name of the disease…
Many people have come forward saying that the Wuhan coronavirus was purposefully engineered and released as a weaponized virus by the CCP in order to profit financially in its wake. While the CCP is certainly profiting now at a gargantuan scale, selling sub-par, expired, defective, unproven and dangerous medical and pseudo-medical products, there remains no verifiable evidence that the virus was created or released maliciously.
Many people in China have come forward naming a patient zero who has since gone missing as being the original infected lab worker in this same Wuhan laboratory. This person may have infected herself (purposefully or accidentally) and managed to spread the virus in one of her favorite shopping places, the infamous wet market, which is only a short walk from the lab. The CCP has denied this version of the story and claims that the missing woman is alive and well, despite all traces of her being removed from social media and the laboratory’s archives. They also have not been able to produce her for any interview or conformation of still being alive…
The most accepted origin of the virus is natural evolution and mutation which made it spread from animals to humans in the wet market. Since this is a barbaric killing floor where illegally caught wild animals are murdered for food to feed cruel and heartless appetites, this is unfortunately the BEST case scenario! This type of operation should never be allowed to exist, but is business as usual throughout China, despite being technically illegal, since the CCP officials are the most corrupt governors in the world. Bribe money kept the market open and the bloodlust of murdering and eating animals that should never be used as food is what caused the covid-19 pandemic that has ravaged your community and mine. Once again… this is the BEST “face” scenario for China, despite its gruesome truth!
Call for Covid-19 Investigation
Now, the governments of the world are struggling to help their citizens and safeguard life and health. There is little time, energy, money or other resources for anything else. However, the dust will settle and when it does, we cry out among the most vocal voices for a full coronavirus investigation of China and its CCP gang leaders.
It is bad enough that the CCP regime victimizes its own people and allowed an untold number to suffer and die from covid-19, but they also murdered people in virtually every country of the world due to their negligence and criminal cover-up of the facts.
Just so that everyone reading this knows, China remains defiant and still refuses to actually cooperate with the world’s healthcare workers to a large degree. It remains secretive about many key elements of the pandemic and has not provided requested samples and information to even the most impartial and nonjudgmental countries and NGOs. China claims full cooperation by profiteering in the sale of medical supplies to third world counties at inflated process. Worst still, most of the good sold have turned out to be defective, fraudulent and even potentially lethal unto themselves. This makes believing anything the CCP has to say quite difficult for even the most optimistic mind…
Coronavirus Investigation Facts
Doctors all around the globe agree on certain key facts of the coronavirus pandemic, including noted experts in virology and vaccine production in Korea, America, Europe, Russia, Japan and India:
The virus originated in Wuhan and was covered up for almost 2 full months in order for the CCP to “save face”. This “face” cost the world millions infections to date and a financial injury that is truly incalculable.
The pandemic was completely preventable if China has provided full and timely disclosure of the facts of the outbreak, rather than arresting and then murdering press and doctors who announced it publicly. Of course, China claims that these people died due to virus exposure, but many insiders support the idea that they were killed purposefully and vengefully.
China must pay for the damage done. Fortunately, since the CCP does not even have faith in the financial stability of its own country, they hold massive investments overseas. All of these assets must be seized to satisfy SOME of the total financial and human loss of covid-19. If you are angry about the consequences of the coronavirus on your life, your finances, your family and your country, then force your elected officials to take action against China. Force them to do it soon! Do not allow the CCP to get away with large scale murder, criminal conspiracy and corruption.
It is the only way back to justice or the world will suffer worse each time China causes a new threat to come into being…
SARS and countless Chinese flu strains were already bad enough.
The catastrophic damage to our planet do to over consumption of resources by China was already enough.
Criminal trespassing on land and in the ocean to steal resources from their rightful countries is already bad enough.
The predatory expansion of Chinese into underdeveloped nations at a cost that could never be paid back, indebting these countries into virtual servitude forever, is already bad enough.
Now China wants to end the world by allowing deadly disease to spread everywhere. It is a fact that China stopped domestic travel from Wuhan to other cities within their own country, but did NOT stop infected people from Wuhan from leaving China to go abroad until a long time later…
Investigate the coronavirus. Investigate the CCP. Demand justice. Hold China accountable. Make China pay. Share #MakeChinaPay on your social media if you care about the future of our planet. We must all work together or next time, the consequences will be the end of us all… that is IF we manage to survive the current pandemic!