Private detective training is an ongoing process, even for working and licensed professional investigators. In fact, learning should always be a priority for any professional investigator and continuing education should be pursued as ruthlessly as the objective of any case assignment.
This essay details initial educational opportunities for aspiring detectives, but focuses more on continuing training as an inherent part of a successful career in the investigative arts and sciences.
Continuing Private Detective Training
The investigation industry is a very diverse profession with a wide range of possible specializations. There are certainly a plethora of skills to be learned and there is never a shortage of challenges to be met. Just because you are already a qualified investigator does not mean that you should rest on your laurels.
Putting existing skills to the test will hone and sharpen your proficiencies. Gaining new knowledge or applying pre-existing talents in new and innovative ways will make you more flexible and allow you to offer an ever-growing diversity of services to your clients.
Private Eye Training Options
Of course, the best way to improve your investigation skills is simply to stay active in your career. Working builds new experiences and pattern-recognition better than any formal education could ever provide. However, you can also take advantage of the various forms of ongoing education to enrich your value as a professional investigator:
Go back to college, part time or online, to get a degree in law or criminal justice.
Take advantage of courses offered by your local private investigator association.
Learn to become a notary.
Branch out into a niche market of investigation, such as repossession, process service or bounty hunting.
Consider mentoring young investigators, who might in turn become valuable assets in your organization.
Career Advancement through Private Detective Training
In this fast-paced career, you can never stop improving and learning. If you do, the business will pass you by and you will be behind the times, behind the curve and headed for financial failure. Keeping your skills up to date with the latest laws, methods, tactics and tools is crucial for anyone who considers themselves to be a private detective.
One of the best ways to continue your educational process is to simply network with other private eyes, either on your own or through an investigation organization. Just comparing notes and tricks of the trade can help keep you on the forefront of technology and on the front lines of career success.