A UFO investigation is a highly specific type of detective assignment not normally handled by the vast majority of professional investigators. In fact, only a small number of detectives specialize in accepting cases involving the investigation of unidentified flying objects, also commonly known as flying saucers.
While this topic may be humorous and campy to some readers, it should be known that the people who investigate these specific types of cases take UFOs very seriously, as do their loyal clients. UFO cases can be extremely profitable and can earn talented investigators a very good living, pursuing an interest that is often very dear to their own hearts, as well.
This examination explores the art and science of investigating UFOs in the modern detective professions. We will detail the skills needed to succeed in this extreme niche field and provide overall guidance for private eyes and clients alike who demonstrate an interest in solving UFO-related cases.
UFO Investigation Definitions
UFOs have been the subject of study, scrutiny and debate for decades. There have been countless sightings of an incredible diversity of unidentified flying objects the world over, by claimants ranging from children to respected professionals in all fields to famous people to astronauts and pilots in flight. All cultures on Earth have reported UFO-related incidents, often dating back thousands of years.
What exactly is a UFO The answer depends on who you ask. Official sources will say that a UFO is any flying object that is not natural (organic), explainable or commonly seen and easily identified. For many people, this definition can include such items as weather balloons, satellite debris, atypical aircraft, various types of human-made drones and many other possibilities.
However, for true UFO enthusiasts, and for the sake of this article, UFOs are defined as objects that are not of this world and likely contain, or are controlled remotely, by alien life forms. Once again, this definition might strike some as fictional, but the ever-evolving subjects of modern astronomy, cosmic biology and astrophysics now estimate that there is close to a 100% chance that life exists elsewhere in our universe. In fact, many scientists say that there may be life on millions, billions or even trillions of inhabited locations within our universe. Some of this life might predate us by billions of years. Think of the technological advances that may be possible in that kind of time frame and the idea of intelligent life visiting Earth does not seem that remote after all.
Therefore, for the remainder of this article, we will focus on investigation of otherworldly technology that may be present here on Earth in the form of UFOs.
Types of UFO-Related Detective Case Work
There are many explanations for why a UFO case might commence. There are also many different types of UFO investigators available. Let’s begin by taking a look at the various roles played by detectives who specialize in UFO cases:
There are official military and law enforcement personnel who are often called in to investigate activity related to unidentified flying objects. These official investigators usually are called in to examine evidence, liaison with other official case workers, victims, if any, and the media, if the story goes public.
There are amateur investigators who follow the UFO realm for personal reasons alone. These investigators do not make money for their efforts, but are often some of the most focused and knowledgeable of all experts, since they are truly pursuing their ultimate passion in life. Many scientists fall into this category, as do many former military personnel, pilots and people who feel that they have had a close encounter with alien life themselves.
There are people within various media channels who investigate UFOs in order to write or film subject matter of a fictional or documentary nature. These types of detectives range from screenwriters to novelists to tabloid TV producers and everywhere in between.
Then there is the truest form of UFO detective. These are public sector professionals who are available for hire by private, corporate and governmental clients to investigate the often mysterious circumstances of UFO sightings and encounters. Some detectives handle all manner of UFO cases, while others concentrate on specific types of assignments, such as alien abductions, missing persons cases, airplane encounters with UFOs and cases in which people report actual interactions with otherworldly lifeforms.
Professional UFO Investigation
Clients who hire a professional UFO detective often have several goals in mind to justify the expenditure of time and money to find out the truth of an unexplained event. The following profiles fit the majority of cases in which a client hires a professional investigator to look into a UFO-related matter:
Clients might be looking for a missing person or investigating a mysterious disappearance and might suspect the involvement of extraterrestrial life.
Clients might have found or received an item of questionable terrestrial origin.
Clients might be looking to explain historical events that confound a logical mind, such as primitive construction techniques that accomplish seemingly unexplainable results.
Clients might believe that they themselves have sighted a UFO or may even report interacting with alien life. Some clients might remember the accounts vividly, while others have a hazy recollection of the events that transpired. Most seek answers on a personal level to explain changes to body, mind, perception and/or spirituality.
Clients might be looking to explain property damage against a building, common carrier vehicle, military equipment or other item thought to be influenced by a UFO encounter.
Clients might be highly suspicious at the official stance taken by governmental agencies regarding UFOs and want to uncover the truth of the long and sordid history between the various national powers of the world and possible UFO encounters.
Clients might simply have an extreme interest in extraterrestrial life and are willing to fund professional investigation efforts to further their agenda, whatever it may be.
UFO Investigation as a Career Path
I know that this essay, like some others I have written, is really off the beaten path of the traditional investigation arts. This is my whole point in including it on the website…
Investigation is such a diverse profession, with avenues to be explored in every possible direction. There are always things to investigate and answers to be provided. To this end, I actually encourage qualified parties to consider expanding their case offerings to include UFO investigations, as long as the private eye embodies the following skills and personal aptitudes:
UFO detectives should always be objective and willing to work under extreme adversity to discover the truth of their assignment objectives. These criteria are identical to any other type of investigator, but are especially true for cases involving the often mocked subject of alien life.
UFO detectives should be especially inquisitive and passionate about the idea of UFOs themselves. They should be scientifically-inclined and have experience in aviation, military science, astronomy, physics, weather, technology and/or paranormal investigations.
UFO investigative professionals should be well-read on the subject and current with the constantly changing state of the industry. Preferably, the best investigators should be published on the topic or have intimate personal UFO experience that might assist them in understanding their clients needs.
Investigators might be required to travel frequently and extensively and might have to invest in some high technology gear to discover all the information requested by clients.
In summary, if you are looking to fill a void in your investigative service offerings or simply have a deep love of unexplained phenomenon, becoming a professional investigator of UFO sightings might just be a viable option. Let us know how you do if you decide to pursue this interesting field!